Dogs & Donuts

Pets Benefit Seniors

Pets help to create structure in our lives, providing purpose and companionship. Like people, our furry loved ones thrive off of routine – meal schedules, getting outside, regular activity and socialization. Pets reduce our stress by getting us out of the house, exercising, meeting new people and chatting with our neighbours. Mental health benefits can include less loneliness and isolation, which improves one’s spirits and overall happiness.

Book A Visit

We recently volunteered some time at Okanagan Chateau in March for “Dogs & Donuts”.  Please let your recreation director know if you want us to visit your residence/facility! Maisie and Grace would love to come to share some treats, pets and kisses.

Pets & Your Health

There are physical health benefits to pets as well. In addition to increased mobility, research shows that interacting with animals can reduce seniors’ blood pressure and blood sugar. This can lead to better cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of diabetes.  Studies have also shown that even small interactions with dogs cause the brain to produce the calming hormone Oxytocin which is sometimes referred to as the “cuddle chemical.” It can increase feelings of relaxation, trust and empathy while reducing stress and anxiety.  

senior dog walking service

Pet Services

Pets can add much needed joy and companionship to a senior’s life, but as we age the responsibility to care for these pets can become too much. 

We are happy to help with your pet’s needs.  We are here to assist you if you need support taking them for walks, giving them medications or getting them to the vet or groomer.

Interested In Our Services?

We’re dedicated, dependable and resourceful, but most importantly, we deliver our services with kindness, compassion, and integrity.