Seniors Services

discharged from hospital needs

Coming Home from the Hospital

While increasing our lifespan is a significant achievement, it is equally important to focus on improving our healthspan, which enables us to enjoy a higher quality of life in our later years. To enhance our healthspan, we can take proactive steps such as maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, staying physically active, managing stress, getting regular check-ups, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Additionally, incorporating mental and social well-being into our lives, fostering strong social connections, and engaging in lifelong learning can contribute to a fulfilling and healthy later life.

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senior medical appointment

Helping Senior Parents With Medical Appointments

When life happens, and there is an incident resulting in hospitalization and/or rehabilitation, we can see a dramatic decline both physically and cognitively. Helping elderly parents arrange and manage their medical care, especially if we do not reside in the same region as our parents, can often feel overwhelming. We know that they can struggle with remembering what the doctor has told them or keeping on top of how and when to take multiple medications. It is time to offer support, and knowing where to start can be daunting.

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